Jinan 24-Hour Sightseeing Guide

For many travelers, Jinan is more like a transit station. So, what are the must-visit attractions during the layover? Check out this 24-hour Jinan travel guide to find out.

Daming Lake

When talking about Daming Lake, the first thing that comes to mind is the story of Emperor Qianlong and Xia Yuhe from the TV series 'My Fair Princess'. Therefore, this is definitely a must-visit place.
The park's construction style combines the essence of both northern and southern garden designs, featuring landscapes such as pools, ponds, streams, and harbors. It is characterized by its elegant and natural water scenery. Within Wulongtan Park, there are 26 ancient famous springs of various shapes, forming a large Wulongtan spring system. This system is known for having the best water quality among the four major spring groups in Jinan. The area is renowned for its competing springs, flowing streams, and beautiful scenery, often described as 'peach blossoms on both banks, like a fairyland.'

Baotu Spring Street

The spring water is a symbol and emblem of the Spring City, hailed as the 'Number One Spring under Heaven'. It is one of the three major attractions in Jinan, along with Thousand Buddha Mountain and Daming Lake. Among the numerous small springs in Jinan's spring pools, the water bubbles like pearls, some clustered together, some in strings, drifting around. There are algae in the water, and koi fish swim back and forth. In winter, the water steams, creating a hazy and indescribably wonderful scene. The pool is surrounded by stone walls, with pavilions and terraces near the water, creating a picturesque reflection with the pool; small bridges meander, pavilions reach out to the water, and winding corridors stretch out; the rocks stand tall, and willow trees sway gently. Visitors can lean on the railings to gaze into the distance and enjoy themselves. Many famous people have inscribed their writings by the spring.
Quancheng Square is the central square of Jinan and a must-visit place for every guest. It is surrounded by mountains, springs, rivers, and the city. Looking around, you can see the old scenery of the old city to the north, the gurgling fountain of Baotu Spring to the west, the lush greenery of Thousand Buddha Mountain to the south, and the elegant Liberation Pavilion to the east.

Hongjialou Church

It is the largest Catholic church in Jinan and also in North China, and one of the three major Catholic churches in China. The church was built in 1905 and is a twin-tower Gothic building, grand and magnificent.