Renowned alongside Gulangyu Island, explore the past and present of the old European-style houses on Fuzhou's Laocangshan

After the defeat of the First Opium War in 1840, the Qing government was forced to open foreign trading ports such as Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, and Shanghai, known as the "Five Treaty Ports". Since then, a large number of foreigners entered Fuzhou, and Western-style buildings were built, such as consulates, trading houses, mansions, churches, hospitals, schools, private villas, racecourses, and so on. There are more than a thousand of these old Western-style houses, mainly distributed in the areas of Cangshan and Yantai Mountain, such as Gongyuan Road, Duihu Road, Maiyuan Road, Lequn Road, etc., which are the concentrated areas of old Western-style houses.

Tao Shunü Middle School

Tao Shunü Middle School was a girls' school founded by the Anglican Church in Fuzhou, China, in 1890. The school curriculum placed a high emphasis on religious content, particularly the study of the Fuzhou dialect (Pinghua) written in Roman letters, invented by foreign missionaries.

Former Site of South China Women's College of Liberal Arts

Founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church (known as the Methodist Church after 1939) in Fuzhou, China, South China Women's College of Liberal Arts is one of the predecessors of Fujian Normal University. Today, many Indonesian women study Chinese here.

Machang Street Christian Church

Located on Machang Street, Duhu Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, China, the Machang Street Christian Church was formerly the Twelve Row Hall on Taoyuan Road, which was the first local church in China—the first hall of the Fuzhou Church. It was founded by retired naval officer Wang Zai and Trinity College student Ni Tuosheng. Soon, Wang Lianjun, Lu Zhongxin, Miao Shouxun, and Wang Zhi all joined. From 1923, twelve row houses were officially rented and called the 'Christian Church Hall'. After the relocation of the stadium in 1936, it was renamed 'Christian Church Hall' in the homes of believers. In 1955, overseas Chinese Qiu Shaoling donated his private residence on Machang Street to the church, covering an area of about 500 square meters. This was Zhang Qizhen's responsibility. It was closed during the Cultural Revolution in 1966. The reopened 'Machang Street Christian Church'.

St. Dominic's Cathedral of Pan Shipu

Located at No. 1 Qianjie, Minjiang Riverside, northern part of Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Pan Shipu Catholic Church covers an area of 8,400 square meters and is a Gothic-style building. Above the main entrance is a Gothic single tower with bells around it. Facing the Minjiang River on the north bank, the pointed bell tower is particularly conspicuous. In the past, the bell tower's chimes could be heard for more than ten miles, earning it the title of the largest church in Jiangnan. Today, this building is listed as a provincial-level cultural relic protection unit. Its large area, typical design, and elegant decoration still make it known as the largest church in Fujian.