Basilica del Voto Nacional, Breathtaking Views from Gothic Heights

Calle Carchi 122 and Venezuela, Quito
Gothic-style architecture


The National Basilica, built in 1892, is one of the largest neo-Gothic churches in the Americas. Heavily influenced by Europe, its front structure is similar to the Burgos Cathedral in Spain and Notre-Dame de Paris, but it showcases Ecuador's unique features in terms of stone color and exterior sculptural decoration. The highlight of the building is its spire, reaching up to 115 meters, where visitors can climb the outside stairs and admire a panoramic view of the old city.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
Calle Carchi 122 and Venezuela, Quito
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00, weekends 6:00-18:30, tower climbing stops at 16:00.
Get off at Banco Central by Trolebús, walk about 600 meters for around 10 minutes; or get off at Hermano Miguel by Trolebús, then walk about 550 meters.