Lakes District Museum, Immerse in the Golden History & Cultural Tapestry

49 Buckingham St, Arrowtown 9302, New Zealand
Arrowtown is a famous tourist town in New Zealand


The Lakes District Museum was established in 1948, and moved to its present location in 1952. The museum's exhibition hall contains the history of the gold rush era, showcasing various gold panning methods. Additionally, the museum displays the historical and cultural background of Chinese workers in Arrowtown, including their daily used items. Moreover, the museum showcases the lifestyle of the mid-19th century immigrants in the Lakes District (Greennock, Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Wanaka), covering transportation, music, medicine, dairy products, horse gear, classrooms, restrooms, and streets. The museum also offers realistic restorations, including a classroom, a newspaper print room, an early toilet, a bakery (the original building), a blacksmith shop, a bank office, a bank vault (the original building), an early bar, and an early beer-making exhibition. Finally, the museum's model scene is also noteworthy, including a power plant and a gold mining operation.

Must-go rating

Worth going


49 Buckingham St, Arrowtown 9302, New Zealand
Opening hours
8:30am-5:00pm (Closed on Christmas Day 12.25)
"Departing from Queenstown:"