Kings Park, Breathtaking views and vibrant wildflowers

Kings Park, Fraser Ave, West Perth Australia 6005 Australia
Very beautiful park


Kings Park is the most famous park and botanical garden in Western Australia, only 1.5 kilometers away from the center of Perth. The park features vast grassy areas and public barbecue facilities, making it an ideal place for leisure and entertainment. The park is home to 319 plant species and 80 bird species, with fascinating flowers blooming in spring. Additionally, the park is situated on the magnificent Swan River, providing a panoramic view of the Perth cityscape. Walking through the shrubs is an excellent way to explore the park if you are interested in plants or birds. The park also has a war memorial and an eternal flame to honor the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives in wars. Grand commemorative events are held here every year on ANZAC Day (April 25). The park also preserves the historical imprint of the Aboriginal people, and visitors can explore the Aboriginal culture and art museum. If you want to overlook the panoramic view of the city or enjoy outdoor activities and appreciate natural beauty, come to Kings Park.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Free parking
Bus transportation
Translation: Others
Kings Park, Fraser Ave, West Perth Australia 6005 Australia
Opening hours
The park and botanical garden are open all day. The Indigenous Cultural Arts Museum is open Monday to Friday from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Take bus No.37 or No.39 directly to the downtown area.