Daintree Rainforest, Ancient Rainforest Teeming with Unique Wildlife

2333 Cape Tribulation Road, Diwan QLD 4873, Australia


Daintree is located in the northeast of Australia, it is one of the oldest rainforests in the world, and one of the ecosystems with the most abundant plant and animal species. Spring is the best season to explore here, with warm and pleasant weather and no storms yet. Under the dense canopy of Daintree, one-third of Australia's amphibians, marsupials and reptiles, as well as nearly two-thirds of bat and butterfly species are found. In addition, 13 of the more than 430 bird species exist only here. Waking up to their singing in the treetops in the morning or listening to them gliding above the river at dawn is undoubtedly a breathtaking experience. Starting from September, you can also see brown-backed honeyeaters and Australian kingfishers, and in November, the call of parrots often precedes the arrival of storms. In addition to the rainforest, Daintree also has beaches and tropical waters, especially near the northern Cape tribulation, where the Great Barrier Reef and rainforest converge. This is also one of the few places in the world with two UNESCO World Heritage protected areas. In Daintree, nature has maintained its stability and change for millions of years. Every spring, the world is renewed, full of vitality and incredible scenery.

Must-go rating

Worth going


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Park by the roadside
2333 Cape Tribulation Road, Diwan QLD 4873, Australia
Opening hours
It is recommended to go by charter or rental car, or contact a travel agency to book a one-day tour itinerary.