la Pirámide de La Luna, A Sublime Blend of Elegance and Antiquity

Teotihuacán de Arista, State of Mexico
There is a palace beside


The Moon Pyramid is located at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead in Teotihuacan, smaller than the Sun Pyramid but more elegant. It has over 200 steps with varying angles, and exquisite construction. To the south is a palace called the Butterfly Palace, which is the residence of the religious elite and aristocrats, and the most magnificent place in the entire city. The palace's columns are decorated with exquisitely crafted butterfly wings and bird-shaped patterns, still vibrant in color to this day. Below the palace lies the Seashell Temple adorned with beautiful feathers. The underground drainage system of this ancient monument is very complex. Built around 300 AD, it is almost as high as the Sun Pyramid because it was built on a higher ground. In front of the Moon Pyramid is a beautiful Moon Plaza composed of 12 temple platforms.
Teotihuacán de Arista, State of Mexico
Opening hours
From 8:00am to 5:00pm every day.
Starting from the Central Norte bus station, the ticket selling company is located in the second window on the left hand side, named Autobuses. Tickets to Las Pirámides are available starting from 7am, with a departure every 15 minutes. The journey takes one hour and costs 44 pesos for a one-way trip.