Guanajuato Mummy Museum, A unique embrace of life and death

Explanada del Panteón Municipal s/n, Centro, 36000 Guanajuato
The mummy in Guanajuato was naturally formed


The Guanajuato Mummy Museum is popular for its unique exhibits. Unlike ancient Egyptian mummies, the over 100 mummies displayed here are only over 100 years old. These deceased individuals died between 1865 to 1907 and were buried in special geological conditions that were dry and mineral-rich, allowing their bodies to be preserved and forming the unique Guanajuato mummies. Mexicans have a unique perspective towards death, which is also reflected in the museum's Day of the Dead celebrations. Each exhibit is accompanied by a wall of broken mirrors, where visitors can see their own reflection. This is a way of dialogue with one's own soul, but may be uncomfortable for some sensitive visitors. The museum is a popular destination for backpackers and nearly everyone visits it.
Explanada del Panteón Municipal s/n, Centro, 36000 Guanajuato
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday 9:00-18:00, Friday to Sunday 9:00-18:30
Take the bus labeled "Momias" from Avenida de Juarez.