Salt Lake Tabernacle, Echoes of Serenity in Majestic Acoustics

Salt Lake Temple, South Temple, Marmalade District, Capitol Hill, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 84101, United States of America
A very large and beautiful church


The Tabernacle is a circular, single-story building measuring 76 meters long, 46 meters wide, and 21 meters high. The arched wooden roof is supported by 44 sandstone columns. It was built in 1864 and completed in 1867, and has remained unchanged since. The Tabernacle has 8,000 seats and can accommodate 12,000 standing persons. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which performs beautiful music, can only be accessed by members of the church. The choir sings in front of the world's largest pipe organ, consisting of 11,000 pipes of various sizes on a platform. The organ is played on weekdays at noon and at 4pm on weekends. The famous Tabernacle Choir's rehearsal is held on Thursday evenings at 8:00 pm, with the official performance scheduled for Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Every Christmas Eve, the Tabernacle plays sacred music, which is broadcast to the world by radio stations.
Salt Lake Temple, South Temple, Marmalade District, Capitol Hill, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 84101, United States of America