A Full Review of Must-Visit "Little Cabins" in Yellowstone National Park, USA

There are a total of 9 log cabin hotels in Yellowstone National Park, offering about 2250 accommodations. Today, we will take you deep into Yellowstone National Park to explore log cabins in depth, carefully selecting log cabin accommodation resources within Yellowstone area, so that everyone has the opportunity to experience the original ecological charm of Yellowstone log cabins up close.

Grant Village Cabin

Grant Village, located on the west side of Yellowstone Lake in Yellowstone National Park, is the oldest cabin in the park's history. Situated in the center of Yellowstone, adjacent to the West Thumb Geyser Basin, it is a beautiful place to enjoy the lake, mountains, starry night skies, and stunning sunrises over Yellowstone.

Grand Canyon Wooden House

The Canyon Lodge cabins hotel, located on the east side of Yellowstone Park, is the largest and most upscale hotel in the park with over 500 rooms. Many of the cabins were built in the 1950s and 1960s, giving them a quaint and charming appearance, but they are also clean and well-maintained with individual bathrooms. The Canyon Lodge cabins hotel is close to the Grand Canyon and the Yellowstone River with nearby amenities such as a visitor's center, restaurants, and a supermarket. The hotel includes a restaurant, coffee shop, small store, and gift shop.

Yellowstone Lake Cabin

The Lake Lodge Cabins hotel is mainly constructed of logs, simple yet comfortable. The atmosphere inside the cabin rooms is warm and cozy! Outside the spacious lobby of the Lake Lodge Cabins hotel, there is a wooden walkway adorned with a row of rocking chairs, where you can sit and enjoy the beautiful view of Yellowstone Lake, making it a great place to relax and unwind.

Huangshihu Cabin Hotel

Lake Yellowstone Hotel & Cabins is located by the Yellowstone Lake and was built in 1891. It is the oldest hotel in Yellowstone National Park and the most luxurious cabin. It is now a national historic building. The hotel underwent renovations in 1990 and 2014, upgrading its facilities while still preserving the ambiance of the 1920s, elegant and simple. The hotel has yellow and white as its primary colors, and the spacious and bright lobby plays soft cello music while visitors can enjoy the stunning scenery of the lake and mountains of Yellowstone.

Mammoth Hot Spring Wooden House

The Mammoth Hot Springs Cabin Hotel was first established in 1911. Located in the northern part of Yellowstone, the hotel and cabins are named after the nearby Mammoth Hot Springs and are open in both summer and winter. It's common to see herds of elk grazing on the hotel's lawn throughout the year, making for stunning scenery. Notably, the hotel has four rooms made from local materials that feature hot springs big enough for six people to relax in while enjoying the beautiful views outside. Unlike most cabins, Wi-Fi is available here for a fee.

Old Faithful Snow Cabin

This hotel was built in 1999 and is the newest hotel in the park. Despite being new, it has a good reputation and has won the Cody Tourism Hotel Best Design Award. The hotel is made of logs and oak, with spacious interior space, huge log pillars and curved domes, which are classic small log cabin hotel designs.

Roosevelt Cabin

Roosevelt Lodge Cabin, located in the Tower Falls area in the northern part of Yellowstone National Park, was once a lodging place for President Roosevelt during his visit to Yellowstone. Later on, it was built as a hotel. The rustic and elegant cabin and the home-style restaurant environment are deeply loved by guests. The most attractive restaurant is the popular Old West Cookout. The steak is juicy and delicious with a unique flavor, and it is a must-try dish for foodies. In addition, the hotel also offers outdoor activities such as horseback riding and mountain climbing, which provide a different kind of scenery.

Old Faithful Cabin

Old Faithful Lodge Cabins is located near Old Faithful Inn and was built in the 1920s. The cabins are made of wood and stone and have a rustic and rugged architectural style. The best thing about staying here is that the iconic Old Faithful geyser is just across the street, allowing guests to enjoy the magnificent spectacle of the geyser's eruptions without having to leave the premises.

Old Faithful Hot Spring Wooden House

The Old Faithful Inn is a national historic landmark and the most popular cabin in all of Yellowstone! The famous Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park is just outside the cabin's doors. Old Faithful erupts every 93 minutes and lasts for about 4 minutes, with the most beautiful part being the first 20 seconds. Each eruption releases about 10,000 gallons of hot water, reaching heights of 40-50 meters. Some rooms even have direct views of the geyser's spectacular display.