Piazza dei Miracoli, Architectural Marvels in a Medieval Masterpiece

Piazza del Duomo, 56010 Pisa
The surrounding buildings are actually very magnificent


Miracle Square is a famous tourist attraction in Pisa, attracting a large number of visitors to admire the Pisa Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the cemetery. The square is named after the spinning miracle described in the novel by Italian writer Dino Buzzati. The Pisa Cathedral is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, which has been rebuilt and expanded after a devastating fire. The most striking feature is that the main entrance of the cathedral has been moved to the side. The Baptistry of St. John is located opposite the cathedral, and its interior spiral staircase allows visitors to climb to the center. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a bell tower with a long history. It has undergone many repairs and is currently maintained at a stable tilt angle. The cemetery was once a public cemetery and has now been converted into a museum, with many exquisite sculptures inside. There are three large lawns on the square, one of which is for visitors to rest and the other two are off-limits. On the other side of the square are small shops selling souvenirs and snacks.

Must-go rating

Must go


Translation: Others
Piazza del Duomo, 56010 Pisa
Opening hours
January, February, November, and December: 9:00-16:30
March and October: 9:00-17:00
April, May, June, July, and August: 8:00-19:30
Closed on January 1st and December 25th.