Medieval small town stunning architectural inventory

Siena is one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Italy, located in the south of Florence. Siena is known for its brick buildings, cuisine, art, museums, and the Palio horse race held twice a year. The UNESCO has included its historic center in the World Heritage List, and this ancient city has countless beautiful sights to admire. However, without a doubt, the following five buildings are the most beautiful. Let's take a look together.

Siena Cathedral

Siena Cathedral is one of the largest churches in Italy, utilizing a unique Gothic-Romanesque architectural style, built with black and white marble and blending elements of sculpture and painting. The exterior of the church presents a striking zebra-stripe pattern. Among the treasures housed in this cathedral are the sculptures of Nicola Pisano, Giovanni and Nicola Pisano, and Michelangelo, which is a must-see highlight.

City Museum

The municipal museum located in Siena City Hall is a highly regarded cultural gem of the city. The museum houses a vast collection of precious artworks, murals, paintings, and crafts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, making it an indispensable part of Siena's historical and cultural heritage. If you're planning a visit to Siena, the municipal museum is definitely a must-see!

Mangia Tower

The Mangia Tower is another landmark that cannot be missed in the Siena Town Hall. This red tower is located on the left side of the town hall and stands on one of the most beautiful medieval squares in Europe. It is one of the towers of Italian medieval towers, with the highest height and immeasurable magnificence. To enjoy the panoramic view of the Campo Square and the surrounding buildings of Siena, you need to climb 500 steps. When you reach the top terrace, be sure to look up at the top of the tower and enjoy the spectacular Tuscan scenery.

Santo Domingo Temple

The Basilica of San Domenico is a magnificent church located in the center of Siena, which has regained its glory after multiple destruction and restoration. Due to its high location, spectacular view, and unique architectural charm, it has become one of the most beautiful buildings in Siena and is highly favored by everyone. The church houses outstanding works of Tuscan artists, which are fascinating. However, it is most famous for collecting relics of St. Catherine of Siena, who is revered as the patron saint of Italy and Europe, along with St. Francis of Assisi nearby. Therefore, the church is also known as "St. Catherine's Church/Basilica". Don't miss this church full of history and cultural heritage.