Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, A harmonious blend of Gothic and Renaissance art

Piazza di Santa Maria Novella, 18, 50123 Florence, Italy
Located opposite the largest train station in Florence


Located across the largest train station in Florence is the New Basilica of Saint Mary of the Novella, commonly abbreviated as S.M.Novella. It was built on the foundation of a 9th century chapel where the Virgin Mary was prayed to, hence it is called the "New" Basilica of Saint Mary. This church is Florence's first parish church and the main church of the Dominican order. In 1221, members of the Dominican order funded its refurbishment and expansion, and the renowned architect Alberti designed the façade with black and white marble during the Renaissance period. This symmetric appearance and design of the circular colored window above had an influence on the Gothic and Baroque architectural styles in later churches. The walls are often decorated with green and white stripes marking the tombs of notable families, and this design is also present in the walls of the adjacent cemetery. The church and adjoining monastery house priceless art treasures, notably Gothic and early Renaissance masterpieces of murals. These treasures were generously donated by Florence's most important families.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Translation: Others
Piazza di Santa Maria Novella, 18, 50123 Florence, Italy
Opening hours
April to September, Monday to Thursday, 9:00-19:00, Friday 11:00-19:00
October to March of the following year, Monday to Thursday, 9:00-17:30, Friday 11:00-17:30
July to August, Saturday (including the day before religious holidays) 9:00-18:30, Sunday and religious holidays 12:00-18:30
September to June of the following year, Saturday (including the day before religious holidays) 9:00-17:30, Sunday and religious holidays 13:00-17:30.
Opposite the main entrance of the S.M. Novella train station in Florence.