La Cathédrale de Lausanne, Gothic grandeur with stunning rose windows

Place de la Cathédrale, 1005 Lausanne
the view over Lausanne city can be enjoyed from the platform above


This cathedral, built in the 11th century, is famous for its Gothic architectural style and is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in Switzerland. Its windows have a diameter of 9 meters and look very splendid in the sunshine. Surprisingly, this cathedral still follows its ancient tradition of being announced the time by the night watchman. There are several paths leading to the top of the mountain where the cathedral stands, but the best option is to climb step by step along the roofed stairs.
Place de la Cathédrale, 1005 Lausanne
Opening hours
April to September 9:00-19:00, October to March of the following year 9:00-17:30.
You may choose to take M2 and get off at Riponne-Maurice Béjart station; or take Bus No.16 and get off at Pierre Viret station, then walk 150 meters to reach your destination.