Uppsala Castle, A majestic stronghold with panoramic city views

Uppsala Castle, 1 Drottning Christinas väg, Triangeln, Fjärdingen, Uppsala, Uppland Province, Uppsala County, Svealand, 752 37, Sweden
You can overlook the Linnaeus Botanical Garden from near the castle


Uppsala Castle is located on a small hill about 35 meters high and was ordered to be built by the founder of Sweden, King Gustav I. The castle was destroyed by a large fire in 1702, but after a long restoration process, it successfully preserved its original appearance when it was built in 1549. Today, the castle houses multiple museums and welcomes many visitors.
Uppsala Castle, 1 Drottning Christinas väg, Triangeln, Fjärdingen, Uppsala, Uppland Province, Uppsala County, Svealand, 752 37, Sweden
Opening hours
Summer: From June 29th, Wednesday-Sunday, 12:00-17:00.