8 Must-Experience in Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, renowned as the "Venice of the North". This city, with over 700 years of history, patiently waits for you to explore.

Nobel Museum

Most of us are familiar with the Nobel Prize, but not everyone can recount the specific story behind its creation. By entering through the doors of this museum, you can discover everything about it.

Stockholm Old Town (Gamla Stan)

The old town has a history of more than 700 years, and it is the birthplace of Stockholm. Walking in these ancient streets, numerous magnificent medieval buildings come into sight, and the strong aroma of coffee drifting from those fairytale-like houses allows visitors to fully experience the blend of history and modernity.

Skansen Open-Air Museum

Skansen Park is the world's first open-air museum. It displays traditional style buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries that were moved from various parts of Sweden, showcasing Sweden's folklore history and traditions. The museum also has a zoo that displays animals living on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

The National Museum of Sweden

The museum displays art treasures collected by the Swedish kings throughout history from various countries. Of particular note are eight paintings by Rembrandt, especially his light technique (painting technique that concentrates light sources together) which creates excellent dramatic effects and is very popular.

Stockholm metro

Stockholm's subway stations are also a sight to see, worth checking out. Each platform has its own unique style and character. Some stations have cave-like environments, as if transported back in time to the Middle Ages. Others have decorations and themes related to sports and environmentalism. There are also sculptures of animals, forests, city histories, people, religious stories and more.

Stockholm University

The campus of Stockholm University is located in a national park with beautiful scenery. The university's auditorium is where Nobel laureates give speeches every year.

Vasa Ship Museum

Visitors to this museum can not only see the original appearance of a warship from over 300 years ago, but also admire over 700 exquisite sculptures on board. The decoration on this ship is incredibly luxurious, and after seeing it, you will definitely marvel at the superior shipbuilding and carving techniques of the Swedes in the 17th century.

Kina Slott in China

The Chinese Pavilion was commissioned by King Adolf Fredrik in 1753 as a gift to his wife, Queen Lovisa Ulrika. At the time, Chinese-style architecture and furniture were a popular trend among the upper classes in Europe. The design of the Chinese Pavilion combines French Rococo and Chinese architectural styles, reflecting the Western perception of China during that era.