Place des Terreaux, A Majestic Fountain of Artistic Heritage

Place des Terreaux, 69001 Lyon, France
Place Bellecour is located in the city center of Lyon


The Place Bellecour, located in the Peninsula district between the Rhone and the Saone rivers, is the central area of Lyon. At the center of the square is an art fountain built in the 19th century, depicting four horses pulling a chariot, symbolizing the rushing of the rivers into the sea. The author of this fountain is Bartholdi, who is also the creator of the Statue of Liberty.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Translation: Others
Place des Terreaux, 69001 Lyon, France
Opening hours
24 hours.
You can reach nearby by taking the A or C line of the metro and getting off at the Hôtel de Ville - Louis Pradel station.