Prambanan, A timeless silhouette against the setting sun

Prambanan Temple, Jalan Jogja Solo, Tangkisan Pos, Central Java, Indonesia
The largest Hindu temple in Indonesia


Borobudur Temple Compound is located 17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta in Indonesia, and it is the largest Hindu temple compound in the country. Built in the 10th century, it is known for its towering spire-like structures, typical Hindu architectural style, and a central building that stands at 47 meters high. The compound consists of 240 temples, many of which have been damaged, but some of the main temples have been reconstructed and still radiate their past glory. Six temples rise in the center of the concentric square, three of which are adorned with reliefs from the Ramayana epic and dedicated to the three main Hindu deities: Shiva, Vishnu, and Rama. The remaining three temples are dedicated to the guardian spirits. Borobudur Temple Compound is the largest and most beautiful Hindu temple complex in present-day Indonesia, and it is also a UNESCO World Heritage site that preserves the rich cultural heritage of the Indonesian ancestors.
Prambanan Temple, Jalan Jogja Solo, Tangkisan Pos, Central Java, Indonesia
Opening hours