Viligili, Tranquil Island Life, Untouched Beauty

Shamsuddhin Bodu Fandiyaaru Thankurufaanu Magu, Hithadoo, Addu, Maldives


Located one nautical mile away from the capital Male, this is a tranquil natural place without crowded houses, cars, and people. Life on the sparsely populated island is simple, and residents enjoy a relaxed atmosphere. Local girls also come here for swimming but are not allowed to wear bikinis. Most local girls choose to wear a veil when swimming and then change into clean clothes. The simple cafes, white houses, black solar water tanks, shops, and schools in the port all showcase the purest Maldivian way of life. From Male, there are ferry services and some resorts organize visits to this local island. Both residents and tourists enjoy the peace of this island and reverence for the beauty of nature.
Shamsuddhin Bodu Fandiyaaru Thankurufaanu Magu, Hithadoo, Addu, Maldives
Take the shuttle boat at the new port in the southwest corner of Malé Island. The fare is 3 rufiyaa per person and the journey takes 10 minutes.