Matsuyama Castle, A historic castle with panoramic city views

Matsuyama Castle, Marunouchi 1, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken, Japan
The mountaintop offers a bird's-eye view of Songshan


Matsuyama Castle, one of the few remaining pre-Edo period (1603-1867) castle towers in Japan, is renowned as a historical treasure. Originally built in 1602, it took over four and a half centuries to complete. Located in the heart of the city, Matsuyama Castle offers panoramic views of the Matsuyama Plain and Seto Inland Sea from its top floor. The castle's defensive strategy incorporates Korean-style fortifications, including towering stone walls from the Ninomaru to the Honmaru sections. The entire castle grounds, including the moat, are designated as national historical landmarks, with 21 buildings recognized as important cultural properties. In Trip Advisor's 2014 ranking of "Worthwhile Japanese Castles," Matsuyama Castle ranked second. It is also a popular destination for cherry blossom viewing.
Matsuyama Castle, Marunouchi 1, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken, Japan
Opening hours
5:00-17:00 (November to March: 5:30-21:00).
Holidays: The third Wednesday of December at the Castle Tower.