Must-visit attractions in Fukuoka

Which places are must-visit in Fukuoka? This list will help you plan your itinerary!

Maizuru Park, located in the center of Fukuoka City, is known for its beautiful scenery and especially famous for cherry blossom viewing. The park features sports facilities such as an athletics stadium and is adjacent to Ohori Park and Fukuoka Art Museum, creating a rich cultural and leisurely atmosphere that is highly appreciated by local residents.

Bodo Port Tower

The Hakata Port Tower is a famous symbol of Hakata Bay. From the observation deck over 70 meters above ground, you can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view and watch the ships in and out. It's very comfortable!
The Fukuoka Tower, standing at 234 meters high, is the tallest seaside tower in Japan and a symbol of the western hub of Fukuoka City. It's a must-visit landmark for tourists. The first floor has shops selling famous products from Hakata, cafes, and European-style restaurants.

Wutai Ramen Street

There's no reason not to eat ramen when you come to Japan! The street food stalls, or "yatai," in Fukuoka are very famous in Japan and are an essential part of Fukuoka tourism. These yatai are set up along the river, forming a long snack street, offering not only ramen, but also various dishes such as stews and barbecue. It's a great place for a late night snack.
Fukuoka City Zoo and Botanical Garden has a history of more than half a century. At the zoo, you can observe about 130 endangered animals such as gorillas, Arabian Oryxes, and domestic rare animals like the Paradise bird. At the botanical garden, you can see about 2,600 species of plants, including paulownias. The park is proud of its Ferris wheel, which is said to have a view of the entire Fukuoka city area!