Hiroshimajo, A Resurrected Symbol of Peace and History

21-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken
The surrounding environment and scenery are both nice


Hiroshima Castle, also known as "Carp Castle", is located on the plains of the Ota River delta. It was initially constructed by the renowned general Mori Terumoto and completed ten years later. This beautiful castle was severely damaged during the atomic bombing in 1945. In order to restore its original appearance, the castle was reconstructed based on its original design in 1958. In 1994, the Ninomaru Palace, Tenshukaku Tower, and Taikomon Gate were also reconstructed.
21-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken
Opening hours
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM