Shuitou Village, A Fusion of Traditional Minnan and Western Architecture

Jindao Di Snack Shop, Oyster Noodle, 15 Zhushui Road, Guchengli, Jincheng Township, Kinmen, Fujian Province, 893, Restricted Water Area in Jinmen Region
Gathering place of featured houses


These buildings cleverly combine the traditional style of Minnan ancient houses with the Western-style foreign buildings, presenting a unique architectural style and allowing people to see traces of local residents' lives.
Jindao Di Snack Shop, Oyster Noodle, 15 Zhushui Road, Guchengli, Jincheng Township, Kinmen, Fujian Province, 893, Restricted Water Area in Jinmen Region
Opening hours
24 hours
Get off at Shuitou Village Station by bus and walk 15 minutes to Shuitou Pier.