Prambanan Temples, A Majestic Ensemble of Hindu Temples

Jl Raya Jogja Solo Km 16, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia
There are many temple buildings


It is said that the Prambanan Temple Compound was built by Prince Rakai Pikatan to commemorate his Hindu dynasty's regain of control over Java Island. The temple compound is located 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta on a highway and contains 244 temples. The most famous building is the 47-meter-tall Shiva Mahadeva Temple, whose decorative base and intricate carvings on the corridor walls are breathtaking. The carvings depict scenes from the Ramayana, telling the story of the monkey god Hanuman and his ally, the white monkey general, rescuing the king's wife Sita. Although the temple suffered damage in an earthquake in 2006, it is still worth visiting. In addition, the compound also includes the Vishnu Temple and the Brahma Temple, located to the north and south of the Shiva Mahadeva Temple respectively, and are equally worth a visit.
Jl Raya Jogja Solo Km 16, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia
Opening hours
Take the 1A bus from Jalan Malioboro in Yogyakarta, departing at 6am with departures approximately every 20 minutes thereafter. The journey takes approximately one hour and costs around 3,600 rupiah.