Ngorongoro Conservation Area, A condensed Eden of wildlife diversity

Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Ngorongoro, Arusha, Tanzania
It's simply a paradise for wild animals


Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a protected area located in the highlands of Tanzania, about 180 kilometers west of Arusha. The conservation area is managed by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979. The Ngorongoro Crater, a large volcanic caldera, is located within the conservation area. In 2009, the local government proposed to reduce the number of residents in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area from 6,500 to 2,500, and plans to introduce over 10 luxury travel lodges for more tourists to appreciate the beauty, wilderness, and wonders of the wildlife conservation area.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Ngorongoro, Arusha, Tanzania
Opening hours
06:00-18:00 (except for Seneto Descent which closes at 16:00)
Airplane: After arriving at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you can take a taxi or a free shuttle to reach Arusha, which is about 55km away.