Koutoubia Mosque, Aromatic Tower of Ancient Splendor

Avenue Mohammed V, Marrakech
You can come here to see Muslim Friday prayers


Koutoubia Mosque is an iconic architectural landmark and central area of the old city of Marrakech, also the highest point of the city. Built in the 11th century, it was designed by the architect Yakub al-Mansur, who also built the Hassan Tower in Rabat, to celebrate the victory over the Spanish. The mosque's minaret reaches a height of 67 meters, with a magnificent and exquisite appearance, making it one of the most beautiful buildings in North Africa. Unlike other mosques, the minaret of Koutoubia Mosque is mixed with nearly ten thousand bags of precious spices in the mud mixture of the adhesive stones, giving it a rich fragrance, hence called the "Fragrant Tower." In addition, the unique feature of Koutoubia Mosque is that its muezzin must be blind, to prevent anyone from peeping into the nearby palace courtyard where the concubines reside. Although the mosque is not open to the public, the small garden surrounding it is freely accessible, with a French garden style and fragrant flowers. Visitors can take a moment to rest and enjoy this charming place.
Avenue Mohammed V, Marrakech
Opening hours
Unlimited visiting of open attractions.
Located in the southwest of Dejima Square, only 500 meters away from the square.