Nanniwan Revolutionary Site, Symbol of Revolutionary Spirit and Victory

Narrow valley located 45 kilometers southeast of Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province


The Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site is located in Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, and is a place of great historical significance in the history of the Chinese revolution, as well as one of the main revolutionary activities and struggle bases of the Communist Party of China. The Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site became a strategic granary and important stronghold of the Red Army in response to Mao Zedong's "August 7" anti-Japanese call in 1942, and is hailed as a symbol of the joint victory of the Chinese revolution and the people's war against Japan. The main attractions of the Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site include the Nanxiwan Conference Memorial Hall, Victory Park, Youth Avenue, and military defense works. The Nanxiwan Conference Memorial Hall consists of a brightly lit space, a revolutionary martyr cemetery, an exhibition hall, and an intangible cultural heritage village, and has a rich collection of artifacts, including the "Nanxiwan 12 Qian Silver Coin," which features the images of some revolutionary leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhu De, and is one of the precious historical treasures. Victory Park is hailed as a vivid historical picture of recalling Nanxiwan and the War of Resistance Against Japan. In the park, there are sites such as the martyr tomb wall, the sculpture of the defense of Nanxiwan battle, and the memorial hall of the anti-Japanese martyrs. It becomes one of the main places for people to commemorate the martyrs on September 9th every year, the victory day of the anti-Japanese war. Youth Avenue, hailed by the Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong as the "revolutionary way of the heart," is a long and magnificent avenue with the footprints of the thousands of Red Army and people passing through, leaving countless tragic but heroic historical memories. Along the way, there are also preserved watchtowers, guerrilla bases, and revolutionary historical sites, which are landmarks of the national red tourism cultural zone. In addition, the Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site also has military defense works, which were hidden and cleverly designed advanced military facilities at that time. These works laid a solid foundation for the Red Army's victory in the defense of Nanxiwan battle and became an important historical relic in the Chinese revolutionary war. The Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site is an important historical relic of the Chinese revolution and a red cultural tourist destination, with significant historical significance for the Chinese revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japan. Visiting the Nanxiwan Revolutionary Site, one can not only deeply feel the great spirit of revolutionary martyrs but also appreciate the unique cultural landscape and beautiful natural scenery of the Loess Plateau.
Narrow valley located 45 kilometers southeast of Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last entry at 17:30 (Mon-Sun from June 1 to August 31) 08:30-17:00 (all day)
last entry at 17:00 (Mon-Sun from Dec 1 to Feb 28 of the following year)