Hainan Tongguling Scenic Area, A Tropical Paradise with Verdant Peaks and Azure Seas

Tonggu Beilu, Tongguling International Ecotourism Zone, Longlou Township, Wenchang City, Hainan Province
The scenic area has a large parking lot suitable for self-driving


The Tongguling International Ecotourism Resort is located in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, with a total area of approximately 86 square kilometers, including about 46 square kilometers of land and 40 square kilometers of sea area, making it the largest treasure trove of Hainan Island's tourism complex. The resort consists of three major attractions: Tongguling, Mangrove Ecological Park, and Stone Park, encompassing multiple elements such as ecology, culture, and history, making it a comprehensive tourist destination featuring various characteristics, including tropical evergreen rainforest science popularization, marine culture, Fubo culture, ecological culture, and love culture. The main peak of Tongguling is about 338 meters above sea level, located at the easternmost end of Hainan Island, known as the "first peak of Qiongdong". Climbing to the top of the mountain, visitors can enjoy picturesque scenery, such as Moon Bay, Wind-Blown Rock, Crocodile Mouth, Moonstone, Wangjing Pavilion, Seaview Corridor, Flying Buddha, Fubo Ancient Path, Xian Gu An, Fubo Kiln, Mingzhu Golden Peak, and Xianyu Zen Cave. Tongguling Mangrove Ecological Park integrates the original ecological landscape of Baoling River Estuary tidal flats with the mangrove ecological landscape, while fully utilizing existing resources such as fishing port terminals to create characteristic projects such as fishing village entertainment and homestays, adding more experiences and interactions to the resort. In addition, Tongguling Stone Park attracts numerous tourists with its unique marine erosion geological landscape. It is the largest and most distinctive coastal rock cluster in Hainan, and is known as world-class rare geological landscape resources. At the same time, it is also the best place to observe Wenchang Aerospace Launch, allowing visitors to experience the integration of technology and culture in the beautiful scenery.
Tonggu Beilu, Tongguling International Ecotourism Zone, Longlou Township, Wenchang City, Hainan Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 16:30 (Jan 1-Apr 30, Mon-Sun) 09:00-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 16:30 (May 1-Sep 30, Mon-Sun) 09:00-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 15:30 (Oct 1-Dec 31, Mon-Sun) Note: The above discount policies apply only to entrance tickets for the scenic area, and are not applicable to sightseeing bus tickets.
(1) Take the Hainan Ring High-speed Train to Wenchang Station from Haikou or Sanya, then walk to the train station (bus station) and take Bus Tour 1 to Tongguling (bus station), within walking distance. (2) Take Bus Tour 1 or Tour 2 from Wenchang city center directly to the scenic tourist center, with a fare of 2-10 yuan.