Southwest Petroleum University, A Verdant Oasis of Academic Excellence

No.8 Xindu Avenue, Xindu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province


Southwest Petroleum University (referred to as "SWPU") located in Chengdu, a historic and cultural city, is a university jointly established by the People's Government of Sichuan Province, China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, and Chengdu Municipal Government. The university is one of the first batch of national "Double First-class" world-class discipline construction universities and is also involved in the "Basic Capacity Building Project of Western and Central Universities" (Project 211), the "Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Program," the "National Construction of High-Level University Public Graduate Program," the "Sichuan 2011 Plan," the recipient of the Chinese Government Scholarship for foreign students studying in China, and a demonstration university for innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. Additionally, SWPU is one of the universities responsible for the national "863 Plan" and "973 Plan." Currently, the university has developed into a national key construction university with the main focus on a group of oil and gas industry disciplines (oil and gas, energy and marine electromechanical equipment, geoscience, chemical engineering, energy materials, petroleum computing technology, and engineering management), and multiple disciplines coordinated development.
No.8 Xindu Avenue, Xindu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Opening hours
24/7 (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)