Gaobei Tulou Cluster, [object Object]

Gaobei Village, Gaotou Township, Yongding County, Longyan City, Fujian Province
Many Tulou buildings


In the scenic area, several earthen buildings are connected and well-preserved. The most famous one is Chengqi Lou, known as the "King of Fujian Earthen Buildings," with the largest scale and the most circles, still retaining its original four-circle style with a history of several hundred years and still accommodating residents. Wuyun Lou is the oldest among the square Fujian earthen building group. Shize Lou was newly built due to the housing shortage and is also a square building. The connection between them has become a beautiful scenic line in the scenic area. However, nowadays, earthen buildings have been over-commercialized and lost their original charm, some even turned into shops, but still worth seeing.
Gaobei Village, Gaotou Township, Yongding County, Longyan City, Fujian Province
Opening hours
08:00-19:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
You can take the bus from Yongding to Gaotou.