Pingliang Liuhu Park, A Tranquil Oasis of Ancient Elegance

20 Gongyuan Road, Kongdong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province
The park is generally alright


Liuhu Park is a famous landscape garden in Longdong, located below the north city wall of Pingliang, and has been rated as a 3A-level national scenic spot. The park features "willows in the lake, and the lake surrounded by willows." It was first built in 1068 AD by Cai Ting, who introduced warm springs to the lake, planted willows around it, and built a summer pavilion. The lush willows provide shade for the lake, creating a beautiful scenery, hence the name "Liuhu." After the restorations and expansions during the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the park now has three parts: Dahu Lake, Xiaodong Lake, and Xihu with a total water area of 56 mu. There are 167 ancient trees in the park, including the famous "Zuogong Willow." In 2007, the Liuhu Academy was rebuilt. During the Ming Jiajing period, more than ten pavilions were occupied by Han Fanzhao, the king of Zhaowang, and the Ming Emperor gave the name "Chongwen Academy." In the twelfth year of the Qing Tongzhi reign, Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu stationed in Pingliang, restored the park and personally planted willows and wrote the plaque "Liuhu," hence it was renamed "Liuhu Academy."
20 Gongyuan Road, Kongdong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province
Opening hours
08:00-18:00 (All day) (January 1- December 31, Monday to Sunday)