Immortal Cliff, A celestial realm of natural and cultural wonders

2 Quanhu Road, Maiji District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, located in Maijishan Scenic Area
Fairy Cliff Scenic Area is a place to enjoy the natural scenery


Xianren Cliff is located 15 kilometers away from the Maijishan Grottoes. It is named after the legend that immortals practiced and lived here. It consists of three cliffs, five peaks, and six temples. The existing temples were built and repaired during various dynasties including Tang, Song, Ming, and Qing. Some of the clay sculptures date back to the late Northern Wei Dynasty. Xianren Cliff has always been a site for coexistence of three major religions, including Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, as well as beautiful natural scenery with mountains and peaks. "Xianren Sending Lights" is one of the top ten scenic spots in Qinzhou, with the main building being the Lamp Building at the foot of the south cliff. During late summer and autumn nights, natural phosphorescence mixes with the oil lamps and candles in the building, creating a magical sight of immortals coming and going, thus earning it the nickname "Xianren Sending Lights".
2 Quanhu Road, Maiji District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, located in Maijishan Scenic Area
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (All day)
Last admission time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31) Tips: Additional information: People aged 60 and above in Gansu Province can enjoy free admission by presenting their senior citizen card or ID card.
1. Take bus No.37 within the city and get off at Xianren Cliff Station. 2. Take bus No.34 or No.5 within the city to the Maijiashan parking lot or Maijiashan Station respectively for the Maijiashan Scenic Area. Then take a sightseeing car within the scenic area to Xianren Cliff.