Fujian Tulou Yongding Scenic Area, A Living Hakka Earth Building Museum

Hongkeng Village, Hukeng Town, Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province
A very nice scenic area


This scenic area is listed as a national 5A-level scenic area and a world cultural heritage. It is known as a "unique flower of ancient Chinese architecture", which includes the Hongkeng Earth Buildings, Gaobei Earth Buildings, Chuxi Earth Buildings, Nanxi Earth Buildings, Zhongchuan Ancient Village and other attractions. These earth buildings have different shapes such as circular and square, and currently more than 4,000 are still preserved, making it acclaimed as a "Chinese Hakka Earth Building Museum without a Gate". Yongding Tulou has unique characteristics and a long history. With mountain-residing architecture as its main feature, it highlights the ancient tradition of Hakka people living in clans.
Hongkeng Village, Hukeng Town, Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (Full day)
Last admission: 17:30 (Monday-Sunday from June 1 to August 31) 08:30-17:00 (Full day)
Last admission: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday from December 1 to February 28 of the following year)
Driving: Some areas have mountain roads and require cautious driving. It is not recommended for those without experience on mountain roads to drive. Independent travel: Most of the attractions do not have public transportation access, such as the Hakka Tulou clusters in Yongding, Hongkeng and Chuxi. It is suggested to join a local one-day tour to save time and reduce the hassle of transferring. Chartered car: Advantages: Private group without other participants. Freedom to go wherever you want and stop wherever you like. Disadvantages: Slightly higher price. Suitable for: A group of friends who want to travel freely and cost-effectively. Chartered car is a great option.