Magu Wonderland, A Tranquil Paradise Crafted by Nature and Man

Mojing Terrace Scenic Area in Hengyang City, Hunan Province
It can be said that this is the place with the best scenery in Hengshan


Magu Wonderland is a man-made landscape featuring "turning stones into scenery, diverting water to create scenery, building roads to create scenery, and planting trees to add scenery". Its unique approach showcases the beauty of the paradise to the fullest. Since its opening to the public, Magu Wonderland has attracted numerous visitors to admire its most popular spots, including Magu's Birthday Celebration, Yizhu Pavilion, Peach-stealing Stone, Tiger-Sleeping Stone, and Ganoderma Stone, etc. In addition, natural landscapes in Magu Wonderland also have a unique charm. Walking along the creek through the woods, the blooming wildflowers and lush greenery will take your vision and smell into a beautiful world.
Mojing Terrace Scenic Area in Hengyang City, Hunan Province
Opening hours
07:00-18:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)
Magu Wonderland is located at the foot of Tianzhu Peak in Hengshan Scenic Area, about 60 kilometers away from Hengyang City. Visitors can walk or take a sightseeing bus within the scenic area. The cost of the sightseeing bus (including ropeway) is 45 yuan for uphill, 45 yuan for downhill, and 80 yuan for round trip. The operation time is 7:00-17:30, which may be adjusted depending on the season.