Tomb of King Xiao of Liang, A Majestic Underground Palace Carved by Hammer

Bao'an Mountain, located on the east side of Shandong, Yongcheng County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province
Liu Wu's family tomb is quite spectacular


The tomb of Prince Liang Xiao, located on the southern side of Baoshan Mountain in Mangdingshan, is about 15 meters from the mountain top. Prince Liang Xiao, Liu Wu, was the second son of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, and was once appointed as the King of Dai and Huaiyang. In 168 BC, he was appointed as the Prince of Liang and was buried here after his death, hence the name Liang Xiao Prince. The tomb was cut from the mountain, hidden inside the stone, with a length of 56.62 meters and the door facing east. The Western Han Liangwang Tomb Group in Mangdingshan is one of the earliest and largest Han tombs in China, with a complex structure and a grand atmosphere like an underground palace. It is worth mentioning that it was entirely chiseled out with hammers by countless workers before the invention of explosives, which is amazing. The superb skills of these workers, as well as the unearthed murals, gold and jade clothing, gilded chariots, cavalry figurines, and exquisite jade, together form a series of rare treasures.
Bao'an Mountain, located on the east side of Shandong, Yongcheng County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province