Hongkeng Tulou Folk Culture Village, A harmonious blend of nature and Hakka architecture

Longyan City, Fujian Province, Yongding County
Very characteristic of the nation


The Hongkeng Tulou Cluster, located in Hongkeng Village, Hukeng Town, Yongding County, has formed more than 30 types of over 100 Hakka Tulou buildings from the late Song Dynasty to the present day, including round tulou, square tulou, palace-style tulou, Wufeng-style tulou, Fudi-style tulou and other architectural types and styles. Hongkeng Tulou Folk Culture Village is like a condensed museum of Yongding Hakka Tulou, a miniature of a Chinese Tulou residential museum without a gate in Yongding. Although Hongkeng Village is an ordinary natural village, it enjoys a reputation in the world due to its more than 30 tulou buildings of various sizes and shapes. These tulou buildings include the most magnificent "Tulou Prince" Zhencheng Building, the smallest Risheng Building, the "Potala Palace" Kuiju Building, the Fudi-style Fuyu Building, and the thickest mud wall Jingyang Building, and so on. They are naturally embedded in terraced valleys, river banks, and natural villages, blending with mountains, streams, and natural villages to create a picturesque pastoral scenery. These tulou buildings, like a solidified music, tell the story of Hakka people's entrepreneurial spirit and the fixed history of their civilized life. Hongkeng Village is a small mountain village with over 500 households and more than 2,000 people. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the Hongchuan River flows clear and lively, winding through the entire village. On the bridge, you can see endless green mountains undulating, and tulou buildings standing unyielding on both sides, showing their magnificent and ancient charm.
Longyan City, Fujian Province, Yongding County
Opening hours
08:00-17:30 (all day)
last entry time: 17:30 (Monday-Sunday from June 1 to August 31) 08:30-17:00 (all day)
last entry time: 17:00 (Monday-Sunday from December 1 to February 28 of the following year)
Tickets to the HuKeng Tulou Cultural Village can be purchased at the Yongding Bus Station.