Mount Heng National Key Scenic Area, A harmonious blend of nature and spirituality

37 Yanshou Road, Hengyang City, Hunan Province
Well constructed at the peak of Mount Heng in southern China


Mount Heng, also known as Nanyue, is one of the Five Great Mountains of China. It is renowned for its magnificent natural scenery and cultural landscape of both Buddhism and Taoism, earning its reputation as "the longevity mountain of China". Within the scenic area, there are lush valleys, cascading waterfalls and temples scattered like stars, exuding a sense of tranquility and harmony. Mount Heng is a holy land of Chinese Buddhism and the origin of the Southern Zen Buddhism, as well as the birthplace of the Nanyue School. The first day of August in the lunar calendar is the birthday of the "Great Emperor of Nanyue". On that day, more than 100,000 people come to worship and burn incense. Additionally, from December to early February the following year, tourists can enjoy the famous Hengshan Wusong landscape.
37 Yanshou Road, Hengyang City, Hunan Province
Opening hours
24/7 (Monday-Sunday from January 1st to December 31st)
Cars: There are cars directly from Hengyang Central Bus Station to Nanyue Bus Station, with a total journey time of 19 minutes. Then you can take the free No. 3 bus to the ticket office at the entrance of Nanyue Mountain.