Xiaoqikong Scenic Area - Wolong Pool, A serene mirror-like lake with a dynamic waterfall

Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, located within the scenic area of Xiaojinkou on Provincial Road 206
The green of the water surface is stunning, like an emerald


The Wolong Pool in the Libo Seven Small Arches Scenic Area in Guizhou is located at the exit of the Wolong River, an underground river in the karst landform. Although it appears to be the source of the Wolong River from the surface, after the scenic area built dams for hydropower, the water from the Wolong River now flows into the Xiangshui River, making it the total water source for both rivers. The underground river surges out from the cliff bottom, and the surface of the pool is not visible. Only the rolling waterfall like an avalanche and the continuous flow of channel water can be felt, indicating the turbulence of the Wolong River at the bottom of the pool. The surrounding mountains are tightly locked, and the water pool is like a calm mirror. Even when it floods, it remains still. Next to the pool, there are strange and towering rocks, lush trees, and ancient forests, making the water pool seem like a deep abyss underground, with the sound of roaring water and misty rain.
Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, located within the scenic area of Xiaojinkou on Provincial Road 206
Opening hours
07:00-17:30 (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st) Tips: *The above information is for reference only. Please refer to the actual disclosure of the scenic spot on the day.