Confucian forest, A unique, millennia-spanning clan cemetery

18 Gulou North Street, Qufu City, Jining, Shandong Province
Konglin is located in the north of Qufu city


The Stone Archway outside the North Gate reads "Changchun for Ten Thousand Generations". It is a scenic spot inside the city of Qufu. Walking north along this road, the trees on both sides gradually become dense, and the surroundings become quieter and more solemn. This is the Kong Forest Avenue. Passing through the Gate of the Holly and Zhusui Bridge, you can see the corridor leading to the Tomb of Confucius. The Kong Forest is a huge tomb group and artificial garden, where Confucius and the descendants of the Kong family from Kongzi to the 76th generation of Yanshenggong Kong Lingyi are buried. Many famous people are buried here, such as Kong Shangren. The preservation of such a large family tomb is unique. In the Kong Forest, there are stone tablets and stone rituals everywhere, including inscriptions written by famous calligraphers such as Li Dongyang, Yan Song, Weng Fanggang, He Shaoji, and Kang Youwei. Therefore, the Kong Forest was listed in the "World Heritage List".
18 Gulou North Street, Qufu City, Jining, Shandong Province
Opening hours
08:30-17:00 (all day)
last admission at 16:30 (Monday-Sunday from January 1 to December 31) Note: Original documents and certificates are required for all ticket exchanges.
Bus: Take bus No. 2, 3 or 5 and get off at the south gate of Kong Family Mansion (No. 5 route passes by Yan Temple); or walk 3 kilometers from Kong Family Mansion, or take a tricycle or taxi for about 10 yuan.