Temple of Confucius, A Majestic Monument of Ancient Chinese Architecture

Shendaolu (Nanmadao intersection), Qufu City, Jining City, Shandong Province
The maintenance and repair of the architecture in the Confucian Temple is excellent


- The Confucius Temple, built in 478 BC, is a large complex dedicated to the worship of Confucius. Located on the site of Confucius' former home, it is one of the largest surviving ancient architectural complexes in China, second only to the Forbidden City. It is also one of the finest examples of large-scale temple architecture in ancient China and one of the country's three major ancient architectural complexes. - The entire complex consists of nine courtyards and over a hundred buildings, symmetrically arranged on either side of the central axis. Upon entering the first gate, known as the "Lingxing Gate," visitors can see the endlessly deep passageways that lie beyond. - The Confucius Temple is home to the largest collection of Han Dynasty stone tablets in China, and many of these inscriptions are considered invaluable treasures. It is second only to the Forest of Steles in Xi'an, and is known as China's second-largest collection of inscriptions.
Shendaolu (Nanmadao intersection), Qufu City, Jining City, Shandong Province
Opening hours
08:30-16:30 (all day)
last admission at 15:30 (Tue-Sun, May 1-Aug 31) (all day, Mon, May 1-Aug 31) 08:30-16:30 (all day)
last admission at 15:30 (Tue-Fri, Sep 1-30) 08:30-18:30 (all day)
last admission at 17:30 (Sat-Sun, Sep 1-30) (all day, Mon, Sep 1-30) 08:30-16:30 (all day)
last admission at 15:30 (Tue-Sun, Oct 1-31) (all day, Mon, Oct 1-31) 08:30-17:00 (all day)
last admission at 16:30 (Tue-Sun, Nov 1-Feb 25 next year) (all day, Mon, Nov 1-Feb 25 next year) 08:30-18:30 (all day)
last admission at 18:30 (Mon-Sun, Feb 26-Feb 26 next year) 08:30-17:00 (all day)
last admission at 16:30 (Mon-Sun, Feb 27-Apr 30) Tips: Note: Minors and individuals without legal capacity (including those whose legal capacity is restricted) must visit the museum with guardians. Visitors from outside the city who are 70 years old or above (including 70) can enter the museum for free with ID or elderly card. Visitors from outside the city who are 60-69 years old (excluding 70) can enjoy half-price discount with ID or elderly card.
Take bus D53 to Wumaci Street (bus stop) and then walk to reach the destination. Take bus QuFu 10/QuFu 1/QuFu 53/QuFu D53 to QuFu Normal University (bus stop) and then walk to reach the destination.