Keshiketeng World Geopark Ashatu Stone Forest Park, A Geological Marvel of Layered Rock Formations

"Jiefang Road, Jingpeng Town, Keshiketeng Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region."
The core attraction of the second scenic spot is to reflect Liu Tung's story and achievements.


Asahatu Ice and Stone Forest is located in the north of Keshiketeng Banner, Inner Mongolia. The ice and stone forest here is formed by glacier meltwater erosion, with mountains and stunning scenery covering an area of tens of square kilometers. The stone statues in these ice and stone forests, such as the "Skyholding Southern Pillar", "Sister Peak", and "Ice Great Wall", are vividly lifelike and there are also beautiful legends, making the summer season the best time to visit and appreciate the ice and stone forest.
"Jiefang Road, Jingpeng Town, Keshiketeng Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region."
Opening hours
09:00-18:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)