Wubao Ancient City, A Time Capsule of Ancient Glory

Songjiachuan Town, Wubu County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
There is a cultural relics protection office in the ancient city


Wubao Ancient City, also known as Wubao Stone City, is one of the most complete preserved ancient cities in the northwest region. It was built during the Northern Han period (951-957 AD), with stone walls and gates and houses made of brick and stone caves. Although the city is not large, it sits on a rocky mountain in the treacherous terrain of the Yellow River, with an unbreakable "one man guarding the pass, ten thousand unable to pass" force. The original scenery inside the city is less seen now, but the ancient houses, arches and other buildings are still worth a visit.
Songjiachuan Town, Wubu County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
Opening hours
All day (Monday through Sunday, from January 1st to December 31st).
Take a shuttle bus from Yulin to Wubao County and then take a taxi.