mount kilimanjaro, Summit Africa's rooftop, embrace the equatorial snow

Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
The top of the mountain is often shrouded in clouds and fog


Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast of Tanzania, known as the "Shining Mountain" in Swahili, is the highest peak in Africa and is called the "Roof of Africa" and "King of Africa." The magnificent mountain is located on the border of Kenya and is famous for its highest peak, Kibo Peak (also known as Uhuru Peak), which stands at an altitude of 5,895 meters. Part of Mount Kilimanjaro National Park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the highest points in the world that hikers can climb, with six commonly used climbing routes: Marangu, Rongai, Lemosho, Shira, Umbwe, and Machame. Although the Machame route has the most beautiful scenery, it is also steep. The Rongai route is the easiest, but the view is not as good. The most popular and easiest route is the Marangu route, which does not require climbing skills or specialized equipment. Every year, about 10,000 to 20,000 people attempt to climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, with 30-40% of them successfully reaching the summit. While other routes may be more difficult, especially climbing from one end of a glacier, it requires professional climbers. The best climbing season is during the cold and dry season from June to October, or the green and rainy season from December to March. Because Mount Kilimanjaro is on a snow-capped mountain near the equator, climbers can experience four seasons of weather conditions on the way.
Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
Kili has many routes, but there are two that people have been taking for a long time. One is the Marangu route, also known as the Coca-Cola route, and the other is the Machame route, which takes longer but has the most beautiful scenery. The Marangu route has wooden huts built by the park for visitors, and the first three days of the path are relatively easy, but the last day up to the summit is difficult. The Machame route requires camping in tents and takes two extra days compared to Marangu. The first five days of the path are steep, and even a cliff must be climbed with hands on the fourth day. As far as reaching the summit goes, Machame is easier than Marangu, but overall, Machame is far more difficult than Marangu.