Hallasan National Park, Conquer the peak for breathtaking views

Gwaumsa Course, Baekrokdam Peak, Jeju, Jeju-do, South Korea at 5:00
There is a big temperature difference between the top and bottom of the mountain


Hallasan is located in the center of Jeju Island, South Korea, with an altitude of 1,950 meters and a beautiful Baengnokdam crater lake. Since being included in the World Natural Heritage Reserve in 2007, Hallasan has gained attention, but it is not easy to climb to the summit because there is no cable car for tourists. There are five hiking trails to choose from to climb Hallasan, including Dunegeon, Yeongsil, Eorimok, Eoseungsaengak, and Gwaneumsa. The best time to climb is from May to June and September to October, but every season has its own unique charm. Spring brings azaleas, summer brings lush streams, autumn brings vibrant red leaves, and winter brings snow-covered landscapes, all of which can bring endless surprises to climbers. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare fully before hiking, bring hiking poles and wear crampons in winter to prevent slipping and injury.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Cheap parking fees
Gwaumsa Course, Baekrokdam Peak, Jeju, Jeju-do, South Korea at 5:00
Opening hours
Hannashan is open from 5:00 in the summer months (May to August), 6:00 in the winter months (January to December), and 5:30 in other months. However, each trail has its own specific opening hours, so be sure to check the official website before heading out. Note that climbing is not allowed at night and the principle is to return on the same day.
You can take Bus No. 740 to reach Yurimok or Lingshi. Buses No. 781/781-1/781-2 can take you to the Castle Peak. Bus No. 77 can take you to Guanyin Temple. It takes 25 minutes to take a taxi from Jeju City, and other transportation options can be checked.