Kata Tjuta, Awe-inspiring natural beauty and challenging hikes

Valley of the Winds Walk, Northern Territory, Australia


"Kata Tjuta" means "many heads" in Aboriginal language. It is composed of 36 dome-shaped rock formations located about 40 kilometers west of Uluru. Similar to Uluru, Kata Tjuta radiates various colors depending on sunlight. There are two hiking trails in Kata Tjuta: the 7.4-kilometer-long Valley of the Winds trail, which takes about three hours, and the easier 2.6-kilometer-long Walpa Gorge trail, which takes about an hour. Standing about 200 meters higher than Uluru, climbing Kata Tjuta is also strictly prohibited. Like Uluru, Kata Tjuta impresses visitors with its stunning red hue during sunset.
Valley of the Winds Walk, Northern Territory, Australia
It can be reached by heading west along Highway 4 from Uluru, approximately 40 kilometers away.