Quickly save it! Guide to the islands around Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. First choice for a National Day island tour

What is the best thing to do during the Golden Week holiday? Of course, it's going to eat seafood, enjoy the sea breeze, and take pictures of the sea scenery! Coincidentally, September and October are the best time to eat the hairy crab and hairtail in Zhoushan, and they are of good quality and reasonable price!!! There is no scorching hot sun like in July and August, nor is there a cold wind blowing in November and December. This cool weather is perfect for everyone to take a leisurely stroll on the island.

Qushan Island

Qushan Island is one of the most beautiful island towns in China, yet it remains low-key to the point of being somewhat heart-wrenching. This tranquil island is little known, clean, and pure. It boasts beaches comparable to those of Gouqi Island, the cloud-covered Guanyin Mountain, the hundred-acre tribute salt fields from the Southern Song Dynasty, two adjacent beaches known as 'Double Dragons Playing with a Pearl,' and nearly a hundred wind turbines scattered along the ridges, making the entire island worthy of the title 'Island of Wind Turbines.'

Daishan Island

Daishan Island is often referred to as the 'Penglai on the Sea' and is known for its 'Ten Scenic Spots of Penglai'. The island is surrounded by other islands, with numerous waterways and navigation channels, and has a winding coastline with many excellent ports and anchorages. Gaoting Port, located in the south of the island, is the main fishing, commercial, and transportation hub of Daishan County. Dongsha Port on the northern coast is a commercial port, fishing port, and shelter port within Daishan County.

Dongji Island

Dongji Island is a collective name that includes Miaozihu, Qingbang, Dongfushan, and other islands. The main attractions are Miaozihu and Dongfushan, where the movie 'The Continent' was filmed.

Mount Putuo

Mount Putuo is surrounded by the sea on all sides, with enchanting and unique scenery, and is known as the 'First Pure Land in the Human World'. The mountain's rocks, forests, temples, pagodas, and cliff carvings, along with the sound of Buddhist chants and waves, are all imbued with the mysterious aura of the Buddhist kingdom. The island is encircled by long stretches of golden sands and white waves, with fishing sails competing to set off. The twelve scenic spots of Putuo, whether steep, enchanting, or unique, inspire endless imagination. Many famous historical sites are closely linked with Guanyin, and there are many beautiful and moving legends associated with them.

Sijiao Mountain

Sijiao Scenic Area is located in the political, economic, and cultural center of Shengsi County. The scenic area mainly includes the main island of Sijiao Mountain, Daxiaohuanglong Island, Majishan Island, and nearby islands. Baijie Mountain and Banbian Mountain are 'exclaves' of the Sijiao Scenic Area.

Huaniao Mountain

Huaniao Island is located at the northernmost part of the Shengsi Archipelago. Its shape resembles a seagull about to take flight. The island is covered with flowers and plants, and its forests and valleys are beautiful, hence the name Huaniao Island. Due to the year-round mist on the island, it is also known as Mist Island. The most famous attraction on the island is the Huaniao Lighthouse, the largest lighthouse in the Far East. Other notable sights on Huaniao Island include Tiger Cave, Mist Cave, and Monkey Cave. It is said that Mist Cave can reach the seabed. Yandong Cliff and Nanchang are great places to watch the waves. There, the sea is vast, the wind is strong, and the waves are high, creating a spectacular view.

Gouqi Island

Gouqi Island is small, but it is a paradise for photographers, an island that makes people reluctant to leave once they arrive. There is not much tourism development here, yet it has formed a naturally artistic feast. Its uniqueness and simplicity are suitable for quiet contemplation alone, passionate romance for two, and wild fun for a group.

Yushan Archipelago

The Yushan Archipelago in Xiangshan, Ningbo, Zhejiang, is a national marine ecological special protection zone and a national marine park. Known as the 'First Fishing Ground in Asia,' the Yushan Archipelago is located in the central and southern part of Zhejiang's central fishing ground. It consists of 54 islands and reefs, covering a total area of about 2 square kilometers. Fuhujiao on the eastern side of the archipelago is one of the starting points of China's territorial sea baseline, making its geographical location extremely important. The unique natural environment and abundant island and reef resources make the Yushan Archipelago and its surrounding waters a gathering place for various marine biological resources.

Hua'ao Island

Hua'ao Island is located on the waters of the Sanmen Bay entrance in the southern part of Xiangshan. The island is characterized by its majestic peaks, strange rocks, and mysterious caves. Particularly impressive is the crystalline stone forest that stretches along a one-kilometer coastline, presenting a grand and magnificent sight. Various slender strip-shaped stones are densely packed together in an orderly arrangement, varying in length. The thicker stones require two people to encircle them, and the taller ones reach the height of five to six stories. Some stones resemble long swords pointing to the sky, while others look like cranes by the sea, earning the nickname 'Immortal Saw Rock.' Experts have determined that the stone forest on Hua'ao Island is actually the conduit of central volcanic magma from the Late Jurassic period. The groups of four or six-sided stone columns are composed of dense black fine-grained basalt, which appears yellow-brown due to erosion and weathering by seawater. This is an important primary structure of volcanic rock, formed by vertical fissures created under conditions of uniform cooling and slow contraction after a volcanic eruption, resulting in the unique 'stone forest on the sea' landscape.

Nantian Island

Nantian Island, also known as Niutou Mountain, is located 3 kilometers south of Shipu Town, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. It is adjacent to Gaotang Island to the west. The natural harbor formed by the two islands and the mainland coastline is the famous Shipu Fishing Port. The entire island covers an area of 84.38 square kilometers, with flat land accounting for one-third. The highest point, Dapian Mountain, has an elevation of 405.4 meters, making it the largest island in Ningbo City. The population is about 35,000, and it is administered by Hepu Town. Nantian Island has a forest coverage rate of 40%. The western part is mostly low hills and plains, while the eastern part is mountainous, with the highest point, Dapian Mountain, reaching an elevation of 405.4 meters.

Nanji Island

Nanji Island is the main island of the Nanji Archipelago and the largest of the 52 islands, resembling a muntjac in shape. Nanji Island is renowned as the 'Blue Pasture', 'Fairyland of the Blue Sea', and 'Kingdom of Shells and Algae'. It boasts a wide variety of seafood and rare fish species. The island also features a rare shell-sand beach, making it a paradise for shellfish and algae marine life.

Dongtou Island

Dongtou Island is located 33 nautical miles off the coast of Wenzhou's Oujiang Estuary. It is one of the 12 island counties in China, consisting of 103 islands, and is known as the 'County of a Hundred Islands.' The islands are like a hundred bright pearls scattered across the vast blue waves, with beautiful mountains and waters, a blend of mountains and seas, rich cultural heritage, pleasant climate, spring-like seasons, and enchanting island scenery. The island boasts unique rocks, fine beaches, beautiful reefs, secluded caves, abundant fish, and numerous birds. It is a coastal tourist resort that combines sheer cliffs, unique reefs, maritime sports, and fishing village charm. Major attractions include Banping Mountain, Xiandie Rock, Daqü Island, Zhuyu, and others.
Xishan is the largest island in Taihu Lake. On the island, you can see the misty lake scenery of Taihu and the Miaofeng Peak, which is the highest among the seventy-two peaks of Taihu. Shigong Mountain is known for its unique and beautiful rocks, lush cypress trees, and fairyland-like scenery. When shrouded in clouds or light rain, it transcends the mundane world and exudes a mysterious charm.