Yan'an's popular attractions for check-ins

The surging Yellow River water, the warm in winter and cool in summer cave dwelling, the passionate Shaanbei folk songs, the bubbling sheep offal, these are all unique marks of the people in northern Shaanxi. Yan'an not only carries strong red memories, but also brings together all the characteristics of the people in northern Shaanxi. That's why countless people come here from afar!

Zaoyuan is the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. It is located 8 kilometers northwest of Yan'an City. It used to be a landlord's estate and appeared more upscale than Yangjialing and Wangjiaping. It was also known as the "Zhongnanhai of Yan'an." The CPC's office in Yan'an was located in Zaoyuan, serving as the residence of the CPC's Department of Social Affairs. It was later renamed "Yanyuan," and the original gate pillars still bear the inscriptions of Kang Sheng's work "Yanyuan."
Shaanbei storytelling is a traditional narrative art form that is highly significant in the Shaanbei region, popular in northern parts of Shaanxi province such as Yan'an and Yulin. It originated from impoverished blind musicians who sang legends and stories using Shaanbei folk tunes. Later, it incorporated melodies from Mei opera, Qin opera, Daoqing, and Xintianyou, gradually forming Shaanbei storytelling. The performance style of Shaanbei storytelling involves the artist playing the sanxian or pipa while singing, with alternating spoken and sung sections. It is divided into two types: "sanxian books" and "pipa books." Later, through reforms by folk artists like Han Qixiang, one person could simultaneously play five different instruments as accompaniment: large sanxian or pipa, bangzi (wooden clappers), shaban (a percussion instrument), a wooden clapper known as "mazhazha," and a small gong or cymbal.
On March 13, 1947, Chiang Kai-shek, the commander of the Nationalist Party's First Theater of Operations, led 34 divisions with a force of 250,000 troops to launch a major offensive against Yan'an. General Peng led the Northwest Field Army and three local divisions, totaling 25,000 troops. Under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong of the Central Committee, they fought for one year and achieved three significant victories in the battles of Qinghua, Panlong Town, and Yangma River, ultimately securing a decisive victory in the defense of Yan'an.
The Yan'an Revolution Memorial Hall, which was completed in January 1950, was originally located at the junction of Nanguan. It was one of the earliest museums established after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1954, it was relocated to the former site of the CPC Central Committee's offices in Yangjialing and renamed "Yan'an Museum." In 1955, it was moved to the former site at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain and renamed "Yan'an Revolution Memorial Hall." In June 1973, it was relocated to its current site in Wangjiaping. Above the main entrance of the hall hangs a red plaque with the name of the museum inscribed by Guo Moruo during his visit to Beijing in 1971.

Mount Baota

The terrain of Yan'an can be summarized as "embracing three mountains and bordered by two rivers." The three mountains refer to Mount Baota in the southeast of Yan'an City, Mount Qingliang in the northeast, and Mount Fenghuang to the west. The two rivers refer to the Nanchuan River, which originates 45 kilometers southeast of Yan'an in Nanniwan, and the Yan River, which runs through Yan'an City and has a total length of 268 kilometers, passing through Wuqi County in Yan'an. The two rivers converge at the foot of Mount Baota, make a 90-degree turn to the east, and eventually join the Yellow River. Standing on Mount Baota, the entire appearance of Yan'an can be seen at a glance.