Luoyang Peony Flower Appreciation Full Guide, Flowering Period and Route Introduction

Years and time pass by in the winding ancient roads of Luoyang, washing away the shadows of the sails on the Yi River. However, those elegant and stunning peonies have already become an everlasting mark engraved upon the city of Luoyang. When is the peony season in Luoyang? What are the different peony varieties here? Where are the recommended viewing spots? After reading this article, let's set off.

The biggest recommendation for Shenzhou Peony Garden is its excellent location! It is situated opposite the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, the birthplace of Buddhism in China. If your schedule is tight, you can come here to admire the peonies!

Wangcheng Park - The Largest Comprehensive Park

Named after its location on the ruins of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty's royal city, Wangcheng Park is one of the largest comprehensive parks in Luoyang City and even Henan Province. Here, in addition to viewing peonies, you can also visit the zoo, amusement park, appreciate peony culture, and learn about peony history. It's truly a park that combines five different attractions.

China National Flower Garden - Convenient Transportation, Peony Specialty Viewing Garden

This is the most conveniently located peony garden in Luoyang city, situated on Longmen Avenue. You can take buses to Longmen, Guanlin Temple, White Horse Temple, and the train station, making it very accessible. Additionally, the peonies here are very beautiful, and it is currently the largest specialized peony viewing garden in China.

Sui-Tang City Ruins Botanical Garden - Diverse Peony Varieties

The Tang Dynasty City Ruins Botanical Garden is a unique garden that integrates cultural relic protection, landscaping, and recreation. Among them, the Peony Garden is diverse and is the place with the most peony varieties in the country. Here, with other plants as decoration and contrast, you can better appreciate the charm of the peony as the king of flowers!

International Peony Garden - Many Foreign Varieties

The International Peony Garden is the largest late-blooming peony garden and a premium peony garden in the Central Plains region. It has the most foreign peony varieties among all major peony gardens, hence the name 'International Peony Garden'! Moreover, it is the only premium late-blooming peony garden in the city.

National Peony Garden - Late Blooming Peony Viewing Area

The National Peony Garden, also known as the China Luoyang National Peony Gene Bank, is located in Mangshan, Luoyang City. Therefore, the peonies here bloom later. When the peonies in most cities have already withered, the peonies here are in full bloom!