Unforgettable Eternal Beautiful City | Dianxi Northwest Chapter

Want to avoid the crowd and have fun? Then you must check out this exclusive guide by Xiaoyou. Beautiful islands, cool summer escapes, artistic journeys... not only is there plenty to eat, drink, and play, but there aren't many people either. You can also take photos that will go viral on your social media. Recommended itinerary: Lijiang Ancient Town - Shangri-La - Lugu Lake - Pudacuo National Park - Songzanlin Monastery - Lamuyangcuo Lake - Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Lijiang Ancient Town has a long history, featuring both the charm of a water town and the appearance of a mountain city. As a city with a long history of ethnic minorities, its overall urban layout, engineering, and architecture integrate the essence of Han, Bai, Yi, and Tibetan cultures, showcasing the unique style of the Naxi ethnic group.
Shangri-La is home to numerous cattle and sheep, with a sky as clear as a mirror. Temples and prayer flags can be seen everywhere.

Lugu Lake

In the early morning, come to Lugu Lake to watch a sunrise. When the golden halo spreads across the entire lake from the horizon, the trees growing in the water are reflected on the entire lake surface, swaying with the ripples, creating a mesmerizing beauty.

Pudacuo National Park

Located in the core area of the 'Three Parallel Rivers' World Natural Heritage in northwest Yunnan, it consists of the internationally important wetland Bita Lake Nature Reserve and the Shudu Lake Scenic Area of the Haba Section of the 'Three Parallel Rivers' World Natural Heritage. The main components are Bita Lake, Shudu Lake, and Militang Subalpine Pasture. It is also one of the main attractions of Shangri-La tourism.

Songzanlin Monastery

Songzanlin Monastery, generally referred to as Ganden Sumtseling Monastery, is a complex of ancient fortress-like buildings resembling a small town. It was constructed in 1679 AD (the 11th Rabjung Year of the Earth Sheep according to the Tibetan calendar) and completed in 1681 AD (the Year of the Iron Rooster). The Fifth Dalai Lama personally bestowed the name 'Ganden Sumtseling'.
Lake Lamuyangcuo, meaning 'Holy Mother's Soul Lake' in Tibetan, is located opposite Songzanlin Monastery. It is renowned in the divine realm as the soul lake of the famous goddess Baiten Lamu.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge, renowned for its 'danger', is one of the deepest gorges in China. The gorge is divided into the Shangri-La section and the Lijiang section. The Shangri-La Tiger Leaping Gorge is a national AAAA-level tourist scenic spot, which includes the Upper, Middle, and Lower Tiger Leaping Gorge, as well as the high road hiking trail.