Top 7 Museums Worth Visiting in Changsha

Most of the museums introduced here are the only ones in the world. They not only inherit traditional culture but also provide great value for future generations to appreciate. It is highly recommended to add them to your travel itinerary and witness their charm.

The largest historical museum in Hunan, with a rich collection of cultural relics. The Mawangdui Han Tomb relics are particularly distinctive. The Mawangdui Han Tomb exhibition is a fundamental display of the Hunan Provincial Museum. The most noteworthy attraction is viewing the body of Lady Xin Zhui.
The world's only bamboo slips collection museum, showcasing ancient bamboo slips from the Han Dynasty. The museum exhibits a large number of dated bamboo slips from the Western Han, Eastern Han, and Three Kingdoms (Sun Wu) periods. It also displays the history of bamboo slips and writing both domestically and internationally, as well as the ancient process of making bamboo slips. If you are a relic enthusiast, then the Changsha Bamboo Slips Museum is a must-visit place.

Changsha Museum

Learn about the history of Changsha's development and open the door to exploring civilization. The Changsha Museum exhibits some precious local artifacts from Changsha, such as the Shang Dynasty bronze large bell, bronze chime bells, bronze box with gold and silver inlay dragon and phoenix patterns, and bronze sword with scabbard, which have attracted attention both domestically and internationally. The museum also features a long corridor displaying poetry and couplets, which is grand and impressive.
Home to one of the only three toothless Lufengosaurus skeletons in the world. The Hunan Provincial Geological Museum was established in 1958 and is located on Shanmu Chong Road in Tianxin District, Changsha City. Inside, there are eight main exhibition halls: 'Entrance Hall', 'Into the Earth', 'Unlocking Treasures', 'Diligent Cultivation', 'Changes Over Time', 'Protecting the Earth', and 'Gems of Stone'. The museum is rich in content and innovative in form, making it an excellent classroom for people to learn about earth sciences and understand nature.

Fireworks Museum

The only one of its kind in the country, it records the origin of fireworks. The first fireworks museum in China, funded by farmers, was established and opened in Ludong Village, Dayao Town, Liuyang City, Hunan Province. To promote fireworks culture, since July this year, the villagers of Ludong Village, who have become prosperous, have demonstrated a pioneering spirit. From land acquisition, demolition, construction to exhibition setup, they self-funded and completed the nearly thousand-square-meter Fireworks Museum in just 100 days.

China Xiang Embroidery Museum

Experience the craftsmanship of Xiang embroidery and witness artists working on-site. The Hunan Xiang Embroidery Museum was established in 1999, covering an area of 1000 square meters and showcasing over 6000 exhibits. It consists of three themed exhibition halls: 'The Historical Origins of Xiang Embroidery', 'The Rise of Xiang Embroidery', and 'Contemporary Xiang Embroidery Highlights'. These halls vividly recreate the evolution of Xiang embroidery and the exquisite works of past artisans. Visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the development of Xiang embroidery and appreciate its artistic charm and boundless elegance through the display of contemporary masterpieces.

Hunan Lei Feng Memorial Hall

Lei Feng's former residence, a place to closely understand the spirit of Lei Feng. Upon entering the memorial hall, the first thing you see is the statue in the square, dressed in military uniform, wearing a military cap, carrying a rifle, looking radiant and heroic, shining like the sun on everyone who comes here. Inside the memorial hall, there is the former residence, a life story exhibition room, a celebrity inscription stele gallery, and the Ten Marshals Square. The exhibition hall is shaped like a flag, displaying more than 500 exhibits, telling the extraordinary yet great life through numerous artifacts and pictures.